Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hey guys,

This is TM, writing to you from France.

Today is my last day with Val, and I go to Paris tommorow, and get back to Canada on Monday. I won't be at school till' Wednesday, because i'll be really tired on Tuesday, since I'm getting back late Monday night.

France was great, everything was cool, but the school was really hard. Their grade 9 level here in France is like grade 11 in Canada (I was in grade 9 since Val is in grade 9). The teachers are also really strict (no offence to them), and were treating me like a little kid since I didn't know any french. I'm glad I do now, and I could finally get good marks in french class:p.

Sorry I couldn't write to you guys until now, I really didn't have any time, since school here is from 8am-5pm, and you do homework the rest of the night. On weekends I was busy too, I would always go out and visit different cities. Even if I was at home, I would probably be doing some project, or homework, they take forever.

When I get back, I'll make a presentation, probably powerpoint or something, showing the class pictures of France, and all kinds. I'll probably present it next Monday, if it's alright with Mr. H.

I also heard it was snowing in Canada! Here today it's a nice 25 degrees. I have to go back to the bad weather in Canada!!! I also read the post "Beautiful Day", but don't get to exited, because it's going to get cold again:)

That's all my updates about my trip, i'll tell you guys more about it when I get back, and i'll see you on Wednesday!


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